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Modpack Installation

QSM currently only support installing modpacks from Modrinth.

Note that this implementation is imperfect, and there are better ways to gracefully fail to do a thing.

After the user selected the wanted modpack, and clicked “confirm” the app does the following:

  1. Check if the modpack file is in the .mrpack file extension. If it is not, abort.
  2. Download the modpack file unless it’s cached.
  3. Check if the hash of the modpack file matches the hash sent from Modrinth. If not, abort.
  4. Install the modpack
  5. Clean up

The process of installing the modpack includes:

  1. Extracting the .mrpack file
  2. Check if it has a valid modrinth.index.json, If not, abort and clean up.
  3. Parse the modrinth.index.json, If it fails, abort and clean up.
  4. Download the mods specified in the index file to a location specified in the server instance. (located in QSM/Servers/[modpack-name]) If a mod fails to download or the mod is trying to be downloaded and placed outside of the server instance, the mod is skipped.
  5. Copy the overrides, then server-overrides to the server location.
  6. Download the server file (mod loader and version specified in the modrinth.index.json in the dependencies field)

Most of the time, when “abort” is mentioned in this document, It aborts the operation and tell what is wrong in the QSM log. So it is important that you should check the log files if suddenly nothing happens and your server with your modpack is not created.